Just A Lil' Bit(ch)

12.08.2005., petak

Thou Shall

Da baš ne ispadne da sam lijena (a jesam, samo to prikrivam... ne ide mi baš najbolje...), napisat' ću tu nešto... Malo da komentiram... Pošto sam danas skoro dobila šamar zbog komentiranja... Ali jebiga, volim se bahatit' ljudima... Onima koji mi idu na, da budem pristojna, živce...

Nedostaju mi neki blogeri... SaX, naprimjer... Super su mi one njegove... hmmm... parodije... I Mysite, mislim, već mi je dosadilo kak' mi blog izgleda, trebam nešto novo... I one dve iz mog razreda, punx i moko... Zadnji post im je (u najboljem slučaju) star mjesec dana... I Vovk, mislim... no comment...

A Maneken (imate link u prošlom blogu), mali peder (mislim, doslovce) je dobio lančić od bijelog zlata (oh... šmrc...), cura ga je, eto, ostavila jer je našla pravog muškarca (mislim, našla je dečka, nekog ne gay, pa ona to smatra pravim muškarcem)... I sad Maneken ide na Ibizu, ali će prije na čupanje obrva i u solarij, eto... Geeeeez'... Ja imam mišljenje ovakvo (koje inverzije...): 1. lik je neki zajebant ili...
2. mama i tata ga ne vole, pa radi gluposti i ponaša se k'o pussy
3. shvatite, dečko ima 14 godina, feminiziran je (jl Ciganović, samo s manje silikona) i ako nastavi, jednog dana imat' će muža i stari će ga razbaštinit' zbog toga (btw, da sam mu ja stari, ne bi to dijete dugo radilo pedera od sebe, ali izgleda da njemu niti nije previše stalo...)

Itaq, ne znam, htjela sam nešt' napisat', ali se više ne mogu sjetit' kaj je to bilo... Napišem vam drugi put...

Pozdrav Steffiju... Dajte, ljudi, ostavite koji komentar na njegovom blogu, mislim da mu treba... Zapao je u neko filozofiranje... Inače, dečko je, onak', zgodan, pametan... Ime mu nije Štef, samo nadimak... Cure, navalite... Ako ste plavuše, ostavio je upute za slanje komentara... (Ma, šalim se, i ja sam napol' plavuša... --- žena s plavim ušima, koja glupost ---)

Eto i VIC rubrike:

1. Što je gubavac na vjetru ?

2. Što je gubavac u bazenu ?
Šumeća tableta.

3. Hoda gubavac ulicom i baci oko na trebu...

4. Dođe gubavac u disko i počne se razbacivat'...

Hah... u idućem postu, vic o gubavcu i narkomanu... Kao vic dana... Ako ga znate, pssst...

Izgubila sam link od smajlića, pa ih danas nema...
Evo, malo Igre...

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10.08.2005., srijeda


UPDATE !!! (star-date - 10082005, cca. 20.00)
E, ljudovi, molim vas, pogledajte ovaj blog, ja ne znam what the fuck am I supposed to think about this... something... guy...

Evo vam danas par (fuj) viceva:

1. Mama, mama, zašto tata šepa po dvorištu ?
Šuti, sine, i daj mi još jedan metak !

2. Mama, mama, zašto guramo auto prema litici ?
Šuti, sine, probudit ćeš tatu !

3. Mama, mama, smijem njihat' baku ?
Sine, nije se zato objesila...

4. Mama, mama, smijem se igrat' s djedom ?
Dobro, ali ga poslije opet zakopaj.

5. Mama, mama, tata je pokvaren !
Imaš još sestre u frižideru.

... ova obitelj gotovo pa konkurira Osbourneovima...

Ma, pisat ću vam još viceva, pokušat ću u svakom postu jedan, ali evo, vic dana...

Poslala Fata Muju na tržnicu (iliti plac) da kupi puževe.
Dođe Mujo na plac i sretne Hasu...
H: «Bolan Mujo, idemo tu do kavane...»
Itaq... sjede oni, popiju 2 runde i kaže opet
H: «Ajme, bolan, pa nismo ni kartali !»
M: «Ma, moram odnijet' Fati pu...»
H: «Pusti to, 'ajmo meni.»
I odu oni Hasi...
2:30 (ujutro, da...)
(Mujo dolazi doma pred vrata i sve si misli kak' će se spasit' od Fate...
Uzme on vrećicu, istrese puževe na pod i pozvoni Fati.)
(-Fata otvara vrata-)
Mujo pogleda u puževe, maše rukama prema vratima i kaže: «'Ajmo !»

E, ljudi, nemojte brisat' blogove !
* za spas blogova, kliknite ovdje * :)


- 20:05 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

08.08.2005., ponedjeljak

Vratila sam se !!!

Il' da kažem, «Fala k**** !» da sam u ZAGREBU !
E, da, vratili smo se ranije jer mi stara mora ić' radit'... Nek' samo ide...

I, ukratko...
Vrijeme je bilo užasno pa stoga nismo mogli na plažu baš često. Bili smo u Medveji i Ičićima. Tam' su sasvim zgodne plaže, ali s preeeviše ljudi...
Jeli smo (mislim, jeli su) zbilja strašne stvari – veprovinu (paprikaš), srnetinu (kotlovina... ne, Bambi !!!), janjetinu (ispod peke, jadna ofca) i hrpu organizama iz mora od kojih sam zapamtila jedino škampe... Jedini ručak/večera po mojoj volji bila je pizza (Viva Italia !!!)...
Itaq, uglavnom sam spavala (i sanjala gotovo sve ljude koje znam), zahvaljujući kiši, a dok sam bila relativno budna, pročitala sam knjigu (uh, vidi iznenađenja...), vjerojatno svima znanu, «Hobita» (knjiga je, čini mi se, precijenjena, ali sve u svemu, not bad...)
Itaq, kad mi je bilo dosadno, kartala sam «Belu» i još jednu igru s burazom, Dariom (bratić, 24) i Stefanom (njegov frend, 23) ili crkavala od dosade...
Ah, baš sam sretna kaj sam u Zagrebu...

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I, nadalje, iako je ziher već mislila da to neće vidjet': MOKO !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
Svima - ...mah-mah...

- 21:30 - Spit It ! (1) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

31.07.2005., nedjelja

Evo, ja idem... pa-pa...

U Rijeku. Nisam mislila pisat' više, ali bilo mi je malo glupo ne javit' da me neće bit', barem vama, malobrojnim ljudima koji svraćate na moj blog bacat' malo oko između redova ili javit' da vam treba komentar (pozdrav, prva-minuto-rođenja)... Itaq...
Maloprije sam pročitala (mislim, dovršila s čitanjem) jednu knjigu «Vrag nosi Pradu» Lauren Weisberger i nedavno knjigu «Dadilja» Melisse Nathan. Uglavnom, radi se o curama u 20-im godinama koje su dobile nove poslove pa se snalaze... Bez brige, ne čitam ja non-stop, ali se preko dana bojim izlazit' van (da se ne pretvorim u hrpicu pepela na asfaltu)...
Evo, pozdrav (relativno abecednim redom) Black Soul, Jami (ili štogod već) Miss Filth (kojoj zapravo dolazim bliže), Moko, Mysiteu, , Punx, P-M-R (već navedeno u tekstu), Steffiju, Suleu, nekom S te svima koji su mi ostavili komentare (ili to namjeravaju) ili jednostavno čitali ove moje... hmm... ne pada mi ne pamet prikladan naziv pa sami odlučite...
Pozdravljam i baku, jer me jedina voli, ali ona sigurno ovo neće čitat', jer komp je za nju nužno zlo, proizašlo od vraga samog (ili njegova glavnog asistenta, premijera Sanadera, koliko sam po njenom stavu skužila)...
I, poosa u Kairo...
Zbog putnih (ne'š ti puta od jedva sat i pol) obaveza, danas ne idem van... Moram se pakirat'... Pošto ću tam' bit' oko tjedan dana (iako će se to vjerojatno oteeegnut'), uzela sam oko 20 majici (ima logike, ne...) i cijelu hrpu stvari koje mi zapravo uopće neće trebat', ali sigurno je sigurno...
MA, NEK IDE SVE U TRI (ZNATE VEĆ ČEGA) – naravno, papirnate maramice, naravno... Ja NE ŽELIM ić' na more, doć' na plažu i bojat' se zakoračit', da nekoj glupači ne stanem na silikone ili poklopim nečije 6-mjesečno dijete ručnikom i još, ne daj bože, legnem na njega... NE DA MI SE... Jebeni turisti, zauzeli su svaki pikometar kvadratni cijele obale...
Sad, svi koji ste na moru, lijepo se brčkajte u moru, zgazite kojeg turista za mene, ja ću se potrudit' da ostanem visit' po kući, ako treba, cendrat' ću...
Laku noć, budim se u 15 do 5...


- 23:00 - Spit It ! (1) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

27.07.2005., srijeda

Damn !

Dakle, da vam napišem prvo kaj je bilo jučer... Idem ja u grad i sve cool... Vozim se u 14-ici. Mirno, staloženo do Trga... I onda na povratku... AaAaAaAa... Ja, glupača, sjednem na 6-icu (Sopot)... Pritom, naravno, smetnuvši s uma (???) da je dragi mayor Bandić odlučio sve ceste fino prekopat', da se vozi po novom asfaltu kad dođe s godišnjeg... Mamica me nazove u 13:20 i pita «E, di si ti ?», a moj tram taman skreće desno kod Importannea... TOOO !!! Prva nagrada za glupost – tour po gradu na +40... I vozači tramvaja koji su se na skretanju kod Heinzelove sudarili (jedva zamjetljivo), ali dovoljno da svi moramo van i snalazit' se... E, sve bi bilo suuuper da ja imam imalo osjećaja za orijentaciju... snalaženje u prostoru, ne... NEMAM ! Glupa sam što se toga tiče, gubim se po centru (a ljudi, kad sam trebala u Prirodoslovni muzej, strašno... Završila sam na Ribnjaku), kužite... I, tak' sam ja lijepo poslala mamici poruku da me nazove. Mama nazove i kaže da samo nastavim kam' je tramvaj krenuo, da ću ziher naletit' na 7-icu (da, mama, ili ona na mene, ako ću baš tam' kud je tramvaj krenuo)... i, ja lijepo dođem do znaka, piše Donje Svetice... Predsjednik ove republike - Malnar. Nazove me rista za par minuta i pazite pitanje - «E, di si ti ?»... Ma, TOOO !!!

K: «Bok, tata, ja sam u Donjim Sveticama. Pored mene je Konzum, iza mene Euroherc i Chromos».
T: «Mama mi je sad rekla da tramvaj ide uokolo» (da, tata, «uokolo» je preblaga riječ)
K: «Kam' da idem ?»
T: «Daj pričekaj, doći ću po tebe...»

15 min. kasnije (iako, u mom tadašnjem svijetu, godinama kasnije)...

Mp3 player i mobitel na izmaku snaga, valjda je i Young Bucku vruće, neki čudni zvuci...
Bacam u koš Jamnicu koju sam kupila na prije nego sam ušla u tramvaj jer se pretvorila u žabokrečinu...
Ja vidim ljude koji zapravo znaju kam' idu i ne mogu vjerovat' očima svojim... fakat...
Iza mene stari na semaforu... trubi... ljudi ga čudno gledaju...

K: «TATA !!! Bok.»
T: «Daj upadaj... Kaj me ti ne čuješ ? Zaustavio sam promet skoro.»
K: poskrivećki vadim slušalice iz uha... «Ahhh... Kak' je vruće...»
T: «Idemo do benzinske.»

40 min. kasnije...

Baš sam se otuširala i pazi ovo... Zašto «Damn !» - idem na more...
Ma, nemam riječi... Mislim, bilo bi super da imam neko društvo tam'... Ali neee... Krepat ću od dosade...

Otišla sam još jučer u knjižnicu, platila 25 kuna zakasnine, išla van, došla doma i zzzzz...

Idem sad baki, trebam joj nešto odnijet' (već sam trebala, ali ok...) pa kasnije van...

...pa – pa...

- 20:15 - Spit It ! (8) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

23.07.2005., subota

Tupac, ja, Simsi, GTA... khm...

Evo, stavila sam novu pjesmu, da ne slušate stalno "Ghetto Gospel", evo jedne, mnogima drage Tupacove pjesme - "Changes" (baš gledam kak' sam odlično formulirala tu rečenicu... ma, krasno...)... Još tražim one pjesme koje ste tražili... (ova je još bolja...)
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...i nastavak...

Sram me bilo... Zapustila sam svoj blogich...
Ali, imala sam posla. Mamici mojoj je bio (39.) rođendan, pa sam radila tortu, napuhivala balone itaq... Imam novi najdraži sladoled – Ledov «Twice» s okusom punča i pana cotte... mmm... Onda, mjuzu nisam uspjela nać', još tražim... Imaju te neke 2 cure stranicu s mjuzom koja dobro zvuči, ali imaju i 14 godina, pa dominiraju Jessica i Ashlee, Britney i tome slične strahote.

E, da... Sad ono glavno. Htjela sam vam napisat', onima koji igraju «Sims 2»... Dakle, postoji jedna šifra (upišete je nakon što istovremeno utipkate Shift + Ctrl + C) kojom možete napravit' puno toga (oblačit' se kao NPCi, stvarat' nove Simse, mijenjat' raspoloženje i skills, ubit' Simse na načine kakvih nema niti u «Dead Like Me», preimenovat' Simse, postarat' ih i još dosta toga...). Šifra je: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. Ako tu šifru upišete u Create A Sim, možete svom Simu stavit' alien ili bijelu boju kože i obuć' ga (odjenut', mislim) u odjeću s bilo kojeg posla. Dakle, nakon što upišete boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true, u Create A Sim kliknite Shift + N za aktivaciju , a za deaktivaciju Shift + M. U Live Modeu pritisnite Shift i kliknite na Sima pa odaberite kaj hoćete. Preporučam More...> Spawn> Tombstone Of L And Death (mislim da tak' ide, ako ne, naći ćete). Kliknite na taj Tombstone i odaberite opet kaj hoćete. Ispričavam se zbog svojeg «kaj» onima kojima smeta, ali ja neću sad tu glumatat' nešto...

I, oni koji igrate GTA: San Andreas na PS ili na X-Boxu, ima na netu neki patch nekog hackera koji omogućava da vidite eksplicitne scene u igri, zbog kojih su Rockstar Games zaustavili proizvodnju igre sve dok se patch ne onemogući... GTA čak ima «samo za odrasle» naljepnice po SAD-u, zbog patcha, a vjerojatno i zbog sebe same.

Evo, to je zasad sve od mene. Ako igrate Simsiće, svakako isprobajte onaj cheat.


- 20:00 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

19.07.2005., utorak

Whassup ?!

Evo, opet sam promijenila naslov, uvijek je naslov neke rap pjesme, ovaj put Gameove. Bilo je "The Way I Am", "If I Can't" i "Outta Control". Ne'am ništ' pametno za reć', ići ću baki pa valjda neću pisat' neko vrijeme. Ali još ne znam kad ću ić', pa... sam' vi nastavite komentirat' ovakvom žustrinom... Mislim, ja volim ljude koji komentiraju, a ne da mi tu dođe na blog, kopira slike i pokupi se... Strašno ! Ljudi koji komentirate, obožavam vas ! Inače, bližim se broju od 1000 posjeta (brojač je niže desno)na blog od 24.6.2005. Krasno... Ne da mi se više ovo pisat', ali, ljudi, napišite u komentar ako hoćete neku pjesmu, ok ? I, da... Volim vas sve, neke više, neke manje, neke srednje itaq...
(mah-mah --- mašem - nisam rekla da sam normalna...)

- 21:15 - Spit It ! (10) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

17.07.2005., nedjelja

Fakat, ono...

Mislim, ovaj blog me već jako živcira... Pokušam promijenit' slova - NEĆE ! Sve mora bit' u Family Font grupi... Onda hoću stavit' leteća slova - ni to NEĆE... Zašto sam išla 5 godina na informatiku ? Tko će to znat'... Ali dobro.
Inače, ovo (ne)vrijeme vani me ukomiralo... Jučer fino spremim stan do 21 h i računam si da ću se spremit' do 22 i ić' van - ALI NE !
Sad hoću sredit' blog - NEEE !
Svi mi se bahate, od boga do bloga, čak i kaktusi (duga priča)...
Ja to više neću trpit'... Nabavit' ću snajper...

Napišem vam nešto kasnije... Za sad - evo slikica:
Straight Outta Ca$hville
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- 13:50 - Spit It ! (7) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

14.07.2005., četvrtak


Evo, slavimo jubilarnih (?) 25 dana postojanja ovog bloga (izgleda da neće još dugo)... Sve u svemu (iliti summary), napisala sam 31 post (sad 32) i na blogu je ostavljeno 148 komentara (prilično mizeran prosjek od 4.8 po postu)... Imam 4 dana bez posta i sve zajedno napisah 6221 riječ (u prosjeku, kako kaže statistika, pišem kratke postove). I na mjestima sam 1929. po broju postova i na 1604. po broju komentara (od 29242 bloga)... Čitam knjige kad mi je dosadno ('ajde, barem ne rješavam matku) i preporučam onima koji više ne znaju kaj bi čitali dvije skupine knjiga: 1. R.A. Salvatore - Trilogija o tamnom vilenjaku i 2. Lois McMaster Bujold - Pustolovine Milesa Vorkosigana... To su knjige koje su mi valjda najdraže. Prva ima 3 knjige (kao što naslov kaže) i to je fantastika (ne znanstvena, spada u "Zaboravljena kraljevstva", to je serija fantastičnih - "Gospodar Prstenova" stil - knjiga istog izdavača ("Strijelac", mislim) ), a radi se o drowu (tamnom vilenjaku) Drizztu Do'Urdenu... Naslovi su "Zavičaj", "Progonstvo" i "Boravište". Druga je serija od oko 14 knjiga koje bi se mogle svrstat' u SF... Spisateljica je dobila puno najprestižnijih nagrada tog žanra baš za ovu seriju. O čemu se radi možete pročitat' na kraju gotovo svake knjige (2-3 zadnje stranice), a ako me itko ozbiljno shvati, bolje krenite čitat' od početka ("Krhotine časti" pa "Barryar" - o Milesovim roditeljima), bit' će vam jasnije. Miles postaje glavni lik tek u "Pripravnik za ratnika", možete počet' čitat' i od te knjige. Od ostalih proizvoda, unatoč "Kupujmo hrvatsko" akciji preporučam onima koje živcira to što im je kosa valovita, a ne ravna - "Garnier Fructis - Hydra Sleek" regenerator za kosu jer ravna kosu... Jer vi to (više-manje) zaslužujete... 'Ajd dobro, nije L'Oreal...

SaX ima novi nastavak borbe protiv zla...
Itaq... Čini se da idem na more... A onak'... Nije neko veselje, nema tam' ničeg zabavnog... Pustara sa Slovencima... weee...
I ako je netko čitao nešto od ovoga, nek' ostavi komentar, molim lijepo...

Ako se izvučem iz rutine i dogodi se nešto u mom životu, javim vam...


...evo, usvojih opaku živinu...
- 20:25 - Spit It ! (6) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

12.07.2005., utorak

U što se to pretvorih ?

Evo, baš su kod mene neki prijatelji mojih staraca i doveli su svoju malu djecu... Kćer im ima skoro 3, a sin skoro 2 godine ( Marta i Nikola )... Uglavnom, boje me se... Svakih par minuta ih vidim na pragu svoje sobe, stoje iza dovratka (štoka, ne) i promatraju me. Neću ih više gledat' jer uvijek pobjegnu u dnevnu sobu, a ja čujem nešt' - Teta je u sobi... Teta... shhsh...shshh... – i svoju staru kak' se smije... Užas... Mala djeca me se boje, a prije ih se nisam mogla rješit'... Uglavnom, maloprije su se odvažili na to da u pratnji mame uđu u sobu... Ludnica ! Prosipali su sve olovke (ajme, što volim dječicu) i uzeli neke papire...

Za dvije minute evo Nikole, uletava u sobu, pogleda me i uruči mi svoje masterpiece... OK, nije nešto, ali budimo realni, dečko ima 1 godinu (a i djelo je dovršio u 2 min.s uzvicima svog tate – Nikola, zakaj se šaraš ?!)...

Itaq... ne znam dokad će ostat'... Izgleda da se Marta na balkonu (naravno da su pregledali sve prostorije) upikla na kaktus, ali ona ne zna...

Ono, nemam ja ništa protiv male djece, u svakom slučaju... Ali boje me se... Uostalom, treba vremena da se ljudi naviknu na mene...

Kad smo već kod male djece, Martinino će se zvat' Marija, a Renatino Luka... Mislim, neće se zvat', barem ne još... To će im bit' imena...

...pa – pa... (bacili su mi loptu... wow... još će me obožavat' do odlaska... hehe)


- 20:25 - Spit It ! (2) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

10.07.2005., nedjelja


Odlučila sam da neću pisat' svaki dan postove, iz 2 razloga: 1. ima previše stvari koje ja ne želim pisat' na blogu jer čitaju ljudi koji me znaju, a onda radije neću pisat' i 2. nemam baš vremena... Tak' da, pisat ću najviše s jednim danom nepisanja (krasno sročeno, znam...). I onda: pozdrav Štefu (koji nije napisao ništ' na moj blog, ali ono - žuti karton), Tamari, Moniki, ostalima kojima ne znam prava imena i G-u, koji ide i ne vraća se... u Egipat (crveni karton). Uglavnom, nadam se (zapravo znam, čim nema škole... mislim ima, ali da sad ne kompliciram - nema nastave) da ćete se lijepo zabavit' na moru... Ja vjerojatno ne idem, ali i nije mi baš žao zbog toga...

...svim blogerima - poosa...

P.S. - ako hoćete neku pjesmu, napišite u komentaru.

- 09:40 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

08.07.2005., petak


Zvuči k'o da je izgovorilo neko derište, ali neću. Ne da mi se danas ništ' pisat', još me zbedirao jedan komentar... I neću. Jučer mi je jedan dečko (on me baš i ne zna dobro, izašli smo 7-8 puta) rek'o da sam umišljena, pa molim cijenjeno mišljenje vas koji me znate (a i onih koji me ne znate) - je l' to istina ? Pitala ja svoje frendice (već nekih 5 godina su mi najbolje) i kažu da nisam... Ne znam... I to me ukomiralo isto...
...poosa svima !
- 21:05 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

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    Xzibit - Spit Shine
    I 'ma clean this whole shit out like climax,
    with words put together better than sony electronics,
    king of the jungle, humbly stay honest,
    eat with the lions, swim with peranas,
    gasoline the scene, strike the match,
    inferno, I'm too through nigga, so stand back,
    I spit shine, get mine and rip rhyme
    and make my career take a incline,
    I'm strick with knives, straight with razors,
    good with grenades and great with gadges, (yeah)
    been around the world on a million stages,
    watch niggas bitch up and go through changes,
    I had guns before guns was in fashion,
    I mashed out before niggas knew mashin,
    I knew terror before the planes started crashin,
    I got punch lines and niggas ain't laughin'...

    I'm gonn be here after the smoke dye down,
    Insomnia style I won't lye down,
    fight the good, fight don't need no help,
    keep your hands up - defend yourself,
    move like I move and live lifelong ,
    can't move up if your heart's not strong,
    get your own shit 'cause this shit's mine,
    every time I spit, I shine

    Cock-sucker I preach when I practice,
    back shit up, wrap this, rap shit up,
    still actin' up, get found in the trunk of an Acuva,
    ya'll suck like jail in dracula,
    X turn up the heat, increase the hatred,
    straight stone face don't fuck with gay shit,
    so i guess that means I cant fuck with you now,
    drew down, let off, facate to new town,
    you feel like bishop, induced now,
    gotta flame thrower that will burn
    great holes till you goose down, (yeah)
    rough sound, same strong background,
    bent on black the big boys playin' tips down,
    my whole train of thought is the party,
    any motherfucker with problems, and not get caught,
    I was blessed with life when I cursed to death,
    I'ma spit till my very last breath...

    Let me get a three second look, I hit a million dollar target,
    You ain't came up yet well nigga' let me show ya,
    Come across dope like planes and boats,
    Like baloons filled with coke, down a mexican's throat,
    you ever seen a man get smoked and shit on himself,
    the body shake for a second, then it can't stop a second,
    the evidence are the weapon and the people involved,
    let one nigga talk, everybody gettin caught, for sure,
    I say that, to say this,
    if you cant handle the time then ride the beach,
    might as well touch your tail and jump the fence,
    castrate yourself, expose the bitch,
    X go head up, the fuck never ran from it,
    I got engaged with buck shots that you can't stop and
    You ain't a killer you're an album filler,
    You ain't a soldier you're a rap promoter,
    Game over...

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    Eminem - Ass Like That
    Ohh Beeby, The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    I don’t believe it, it’s almost to good to be true
    I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING

    The way she moves, she’s like a belly-dancer
    She shakin that ass to the new Nelly jams
    I think someone’s at the door but I don’t think Imma answer
    Police saying, FREEZE... DOING DOING DOING
    What do you mean freeze? Please I’m a human being
    I have needs, I’m not done, not til I’m finished peeing
    I’m not resisting arrest, I am agreeing Mr. Officer
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    I’m already on my knees, I can’t get on the ground any further
    It’s impossible for me, And do not treat me like a murderer
    I just like to pee, pee, pee, Yes, I make R&B
    I sing song, it Ring-a-Chong-a-Ching-Chong-Chong-Ching
    Syke, I joke I joke, I kid I kid. If offend, I’m sorry
    Please, Please forgive, for I am Triumph, the puppet dog
    I am a mere puppet, I can get away anything I say and you will love

    The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    Jessica Simpson, looks oh so tempting
    Nick, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    Every time I see that show on MTV my pee pee goes DOING DOING DOING

    Mary Kate and Ashley used to be so handsome
    Now they getting older, they’re starting to grow bum-bums
    I go to the movies and sit down with my popcorn
    Police saying, FREEZE... DOING DOING DOING
    What do you mean freeze? JEEZ I just got my seat
    I have ticket, look I put away, my zipper’s zipped
    Please do not remove me from this movie theatre, please
    I did not even get to see Mary Kate’s shower scene
    I didn’t mean to be obscene or make a great big scene
    And don’t treat me like I’m Pee-Wee Herman
    This movie’s PG, Mr. Office, I demand to see my attorney
    I will simple plead innocent, cop a plea, and be free
    Free, yes free, right back on the streets
    What you mean my lawyers with Michael, He’s too busy?
    I am Triumph, Britney Spears has shoulder’s are like man
    And I could say that and you laugh cause there’s a puppet on my hand

    The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    Hilary Duff is not quite old enough so I ain’t never seen a butt like that
    Maybe next year I’ll say ass and she’ll make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING

    The way she moves she dances like a GO-GO
    In that video she sings get out your puzzle
    I need a new boyfriend, Hi my name is Jo-Jo
    Police saying, FREEZE... DOING DOING DOING
    What do you mean freeze? My computers will be seized
    And my keys to my ranch. I just bake cookies
    Mr. Office, lookie, take a woof of this
    Here, I make Jesus juice, take a sip of this
    Nobody is safe from me, no not even me
    I don’t even know if I could say the word peepee
    Pee on the radio but I think I did
    Janet is that a breast? I think I just saw a tit
    Syke, I joke I joke, I kid I kid. I don’t think my joke is working
    I must flea quick, get to the chopper, everybody get out
    I am not Triumph, I am Aronld, get down

    The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    So Gwen Stafani will you peepee on me, Please
    I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    Cause the way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING


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    2pac feat. Akon - Ghetto Gospel
    If I could recelect before my hood dayz
    I would sit in bliss and reminis on the good dayz.
    i stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to'em
    they stressed and goin under.
    we never really went through that
    cause we was born ????
    today things change,its a shame
    they blame it on the youth cause the truth look strange
    for them its worse, we come from a world thats cursed
    and it hurts.
    cause any day theyll push the button.
    and yall condemned like malcom x and uncle bob
    they died for nothin.
    make the people teary, the world looks dreary
    but when you wipe your eyes you see it clearley.
    theres no need for you to fear me.
    if you take the time to hear me, maybe you can learn to cheer me.
    it aint about black or white, both doin
    i hope you see the light before its ruiend
    my ghetto gospel

    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

    Tell me do you see that old lady she aint sad
    living out a bag, in rags, loving the things she has
    over there see that lady, the cracks got her crazy.
    and shes gonna give birth to a baby?
    i shouldnt let it fade me. we out of the projects
    jumped into another form of slavery.
    and even now i get discouraged.
    i wonder if its tooken all back will i still keep the courage.
    i refuse to be a role modle.
    i keep control on the hoes and take out my old bottle.
    i make mistakes, i learn from everyone.
    and when its said and done, ill be called a better one.
    if i strecth you dont stretch.
    never forget, god is gonna finish with me yet.
    i feel his hands on my brain.
    when i write ryhmes, i go blind, and let the lord do this thing.
    but am i any less holy,
    i choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies
    and then world peace, we tried and failed
    now theres war in the streets
    my ghetto gospel.

    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

    Gun shots every night in the (ghetto)
    Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)
    Every day is a fight in the (ghetto)
    (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)
    Got kids to feed in the (ghetto)
    Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)
    Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)
    (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)

    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

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    OutKast - Roses
    [Verse One - Andre 3000]
    Caroline! Caroline!
    All the guys would say she's mighty fine
    But mighty fine only got you somewhere half the time
    And the other half either got you cursed out, or coming up short
    Yeah, now dig this, even though (even though)
    You'd need a golden calculator to divide (to divide)
    The time it took to look inside and realize that
    Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!

    [Chorus- Repeat 2x]
    I know you'd like to thank your shit don't stank
    But lean a little bit closer
    See that roses really smell like boo-boo
    Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

    [Verse Two - Andre 3000]
    Caroline! See she's the reason for the word "bitch" (bitch)
    I hope she's speeding on the way to the club
    Trying to hurry up to get to some
    Baller or singer or somebody like that
    And try to put on her makeup in the mirror
    And crash, crash, crash.. into a ditch! (Just Playing!)
    She needs a golden calculator to divide (to divide)
    The time it takes to look inside and realize that
    Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!

    [Chorus- Repeat 2x]
    I know you'd like to thank your shit don't stank
    But lean a little bit closer
    See that roses really smell like boo-boo
    Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

    [Verse Three – Big Boi]
    Well she's got a hotty body, but her attitude is potty
    When I met her at a party she was hardly acting naughty
    I said "Would you call me?"
    She said "Pardon me, are you ballin'?"
    I said "Darling, you sound like a prostitute pursing"
    Oh so you're one them freaks, get geeked at the sight of ATM receipts
    But game been peeped, dropping names she's weak
    Trickin' off this bitch is lost
    Must take me for a geek a quick way to eat
    A neat place sleep, a rent-a-car for a week, a trick for a treat
    Now go on the raw sex, my AIDS test is flawless
    Regardless, we don't want to get involved with no lawyers
    And judges just to hold grudges in a courtroom
    I wanna see ya support bra not support you!

    [Chorus- Repeat 4x]
    I know you'd like to thank your shit don't stank
    But lean a little bit closer
    See that roses really smell like boo-boo
    Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

    [Repeat 2x]
    Better come back down to Mars
    Girl, quit chasin' cars
    What happens when the dough get so low
    Bitch, you ain't that fine
    No way.. no way.. no way

    [Repeat 2x]
    Crazy bitch (repeated in background)
    Bitch, stupid ass bitch
    Old punk ass bitch, old dumbass bitch
    A bitch's bitch, just a bitch

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    Young Buck - Do It Like Me
    [Young Buck:]
    All My Thugs And Thugets
    Walk Where I Walk, See What I See
    Now I Welcome You All To Cashville, Tennekee
    All My Life, I Hustle'd All Night
    Now I'm Alright, My Wrist Is All Ice
    And I Did It All, Without Ya'll Advice
    I Done Been To Hell And Back, Twice

    You Cant Do It Like Me!

    Now As The World Turns, I Let My Bud Burn
    Police Writin' Down My Tags, Like Im Con'cerned
    I Graduated From The Nickels And Dimes
    You Need The F.E.D.'s Bitch, To Come Get Mine
    Get On The Grind Hoe, And Stay The Fuck Up Outta Mine Fo'
    The Kid's Find Daddy Lay'd Out With His Eyes Closed
    I Know, Can't Be Humble In The Jungle
    Give A Nigga An Inch, He'll Take A Whole Mile From Ya'
    So I Bust First, Fuck This Earth Nigga
    Whats Worse? Wakin' Up In The Pen, Or Sleepin' Up Under The Dirt
    Boo Yow! Is The Sound Of The 40 Cal.
    Ak's Bananna Clips Hold A 100 Rounds
    Test Me, Rude Boy Don't Want None
    Got Jamacan's And Hesian's Buck, Buck, Buckin' They Gun
    Where The Hood At? Nigga, That's Where I Come From
    Where Shoot Dice, Snort White, Sell Crack And Heroine

    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Nah, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}
    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Cuz, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}

    Somebody Tell Me What This World Comin' To
    Why They Go Get They Metal Detector's When We Come Through
    Yah, I Know We Got Beef, And Niggas Say They Wanna Kill Us
    But You Can't Get Mad, Cuz The Whole World Feel Us
    Do The Math, Half Of These Niggas Lying In They Rhymes
    They Don't Even Read The Paper Work, Just Sign On The Line
    I Got A 9, And A Heart To Go Get Mine
    And I'll Be God Damn, If I Take A Loss This Time
    I'm Fishline, In The Water, Nibble Only To Get Caught
    May I Take Ya' Order? Yah, I Can Get It In New York
    See The Streets Know, This Nigga Here'll Let The Heat Go
    Be Low, Don't Be No Muthafuckin' Hero
    A Kilo'll Get A Nigga Whole Click Killed
    You Ain't Gotta Spend Shit, Niggas'll Hustle Up A Mill
    When You Live With All The Roaches, You Kill All The Rats
    And The Thugs, That Ain't Focused, Get They Head Cracked

    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Nah, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}
    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Cuz, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}

    I Know I Got A Dirty Mouth, Bitch I'm From The South
    I'm Nuthin Like What You Done Seen Or You Done Heard About
    I'm In My Best On The Block, A Vest And A Glock, And The Rest In My Sock
    Unless I Was Pac, You Wont See Me With A Cross On My Back
    Gotta Do My Own Thang, Can't Copy That Cat
    Let Me Holla At Ya' For A Minute May'ne
    If Ya Stand For Nuthin' Nigga, You'll Fall For Anythang
    I'm Bustin Any Brain, They Say That I'm Insaine
    But I Came In This Game With Cocaine In My Viens
    What I'm Sayin, That I'm Trained To Go And Turn A Penny To A 20
    You Complain, I'd Rather Work With What He Sent Me, Ain't It Strange?
    How I Went From A Hoopty To A Bently, I Ain't Changed
    I'm In The Hood, You Want Me? Come And Get Me
    Feel My Pain, But Don't Feel Sorry For Me
    Cuz They're Some Kids In Samalia With Nuthin To Eat

    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Nah, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}
    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Cuz, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}

    [Scratching {50 Cent: Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}]

  • 50 Cent - Just A Lil' Bit


    [Verse 1]
    Damn baby all I need is a lil bit
    A lil bit of this, a lil bit of that
    Get it crackin' in the club when you hear this shit
    Drop it like its hot, get to workin' that back
    Go shake that thang, yeah work that thang
    Let me see it go up and down
    Rotate that thang, I wanna touch that thang
    Can you make it go round and round
    I step up in the club, I'm like who you with
    G-Unit in the house, yeah thats my clique
    Yeah I'm young, but a nigga from the old school
    On the dance floor, a nigga doin' old moves
    I don't give a fuck, I do what I wan' do
    I hit your ass up, boy I done warned you
    Better listen, when I talk, nigga don't trip
    Yo' heat in the car, mine's in this bitch
    I ain't tryna beef, I'm tryna get my drink on
    Got my diamonds, my fitted, and my mink on
    I'ma kick it at the bar till its time to go
    Then I'ma get shorty here and I'ma let her know

    All a nigga really need is a lil bit
    Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
    We can head to the crib in a lil bit
    I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
    I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
    Take 'em off and pull 'em down just a lil bit
    Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
    Get to lickin' and (*edited*) a lil bit

    [Verse 2]
    This is 50, comin' out your stereos
    Hard to tell though, cause I switched the flow
    Eyes a lil low, cause I twist the dro'
    Pockets on slow cause I move the O's
    My neck, my wrist, my ears is froze
    Come get ya bitch, she on me dawg
    She musta heard about the dough
    Now captain come on and save a hoe
    I get it crunk in the club, I'm off the chain
    Number one on the chart, all the time mayn
    When the kid in the house, I turn it out
    Keep the dance floor packed, thats without a doubt
    And shorty shake that thang like a pro mayn
    She back it up on me I'm like oh mayn
    I get close enough to her so I know she can hear
    System thumpin', party jumpin', I said loud and clear

    All a nigga really need is a lil bit
    Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
    We can head to the crib in a lil bit
    I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
    I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
    Take 'em off and pull 'em down just a lil bit
    Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
    Get to lickin' and (*edited*) a lil bit

    Baby you got me feelin' right (ya heard me)
    My mama gone, you can spend the night (ya heard me)
    I ain't playin', I'ma tryna (*edited*) tonight (ya heard me)
    Clothes off, face down, x up, c'mon

    [Chorus x2]
    All a nigga really need is a lil bit
    Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
    We can head to the crib in a lil bit
    I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
    I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
    Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil bit
    Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
    Get to lickin' and (*edited*) a lil bit

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